Property:Has processing error text

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Showing 18 pages using this property.
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
"Alive" is not in the list (Living, Deceased, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Character status" property.  +
Category "Plot" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Family" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Plot" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Lexicon" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Lexicon" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Lexicon" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
"Flowers" is not in the list (Annual, Aquatic, Fungus, Grass, Groundcover, Moss, Perennial, Shrub, Tree, Vegetable, ...) of allowed values for the "Flora belongs to class" property.  +
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Family" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Family" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Lexicon" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Plot" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +
Category "Races" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.  +